Sunday, July 22, 2012

Irish music scene: Claire Sproule


Claire is a very talented young lady from County Donegal in Ireland.
The songs on her first album were written when she was a teenager!
She sings about all the important issues at that stage of life. Having said that, I think she can enchant youngsters and those more mature listeners alike. 
Her debut impressed many. 
And no wonder, what else would you expect if someone's starts at 14 being influenced by Joni Mitchell, Tom Waits and Elvis Costello?
Anyway, enough talking, Claire is about music, so the stage is hers now:

"You have lit a flame in my heart..."

To see and listen to Claire sing "Flame" click here

Hopefully, her second album will soon be followed by another collection of feel-goodism. Claire is a natural remedy for a bad day, bad mood or le blues saisonnier:)

“You may tire of reality but you never tire of dreams.” ― L.M. Montgomery, The Road to Yesterday

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